AC F series evaporators for wastewater treatment is the hot/cold water evaporators with forced circulation and external shell & tube heat exchanger. The heat necessary to boil the wastewater is supplied by hot water running into the heat exchanger; the cooling necessary to condensate the steam is supplied by cold water running into the heat exchanger at the top of the boiling chamber.
Use of the existing heating and cooling water provides a cost effective solution by reducing the operating costs.
The AC series is able to handle a variety of wastewater and, thanks to the forced circulation, reduction of fouling and scaling phenomena is achievable.
low power consumption
high efficiency
a wide range of work
dramatic reduction of volumes and disposal costs
opportunity to use power from cogeneration plants
water and wastewater treatment units using low cost energy sources
mining and primary metals (wastewater from ore processing, RO concentrates)
chemicals (gas scrubber blow-down, explosives (Nitroglycerin) wastewater, floor washing water, radwaste and etc.)
power (RO concentrates, IE regeneration, Gas Scrubber Blow-down)
mechanical and surface treatments (moulds release liquids baths, exhausted oil emulsions, quenching baths and etc.)
Extremely suitable when heat energy from cogeneration plants is available:
Effective operation in a wide range: