They are designed to produce crystals of various types by evaporation of a part of the solvent from the initial solution and differ from conventional evaporators by a special device of the separation chamber, which allows proper growth and accumulation of crystals in the solution.
Designed to produce crystals of various types due to the evaporation of a part of the solvent from the initial solution, they differ from conventional evaporators in the special separation chamber device that allows proper growth and accumulation of crystals in the solution.
The simplest design of all evaporator/crystallizers
Low investment
Easy to manage and maintain
Compact sizes
The solution circulates between the crystallization chamber and the heat exchanger using a circulation pump. Boiling and crystallization occurs only in the separation chamber to avoid clogging the pipes with salt deposits. To do this, the circulation pipes maintain the specified hydrostatic pressure of the suspension column. The circulation rate is maintained at the level necessary to create effective heat exchange and minimal supersaturation of the solution.
The suspension circulating in the pipes always contains a certain amount of small crystals, which act as seed crystals in the crystallization chamber of the apparatus.
For additional thickening of the salt pulp before unloading and for additional washing and classification of crystals, a countercurrent feed of the initial brine through a special pipe can be organized in the chamber.
An upward flow of liquid leads to the fact that small crystals will be removed from the selected pipe back into the crystal growth zone, and large crystals settle to the bottom of the pipe (additionally washed with brine) and are discharged through the output device.