Granulation in drum granulators-dryers implements with pelletizing technique, which allows to obtain the correct form, a given size of granule, while respecting the necessary contact time and temperature of modified transitions. For example, to obtain a granular fertilizer is applied to a fluid melt, solution or suspension for the curtain of granular material in the moving air environment inside a rotating drum with internals.
In the mode of drying/cooling the principle of operation of drum dryers is that when the housing rotates, the drum moves the material towards the discharge chamber. In the chamber of the drum contact occurs between the product and the coolant (air, flue gases), which leads to heat and mass transfer. When drying there is heating and evaporation of moisture from the product. The drying condition for different material varies with humidity of the product at the inlet of the drum and the desired moisture content of the finished product.
A uniform heating and drying of the particles due to the intensive mixing of the material.
The ability to dry high wet and contaminated material.
High performance.
Stagnant zones absence.
drying, granulating, heating for chemical, food and related industries
Efficiency of drying / pelletizing
Accessories design
Auxiliary equipment