Chemical Solutions

Copper sulfate production

Производство сульфата меди
In industry, copper sulfate is produced mainly in the form of copper sulfate pentahydrate and is widely used in the production of other copper compounds, artificial fibers, organic dyes, mineral paints, arsenous chemicals, in agriculture and in flotation ores.
Currently, the main production methods for obtaining crystalline copper sulfate are the processing of products of electrolytic refining of copper and copper scrap. At the same time, obtaining a product in the form of a pentahydrate imposes a number of specific restrictions on the parameters of crystallization and drying processes, which requires special care when handling this product.

We can offer both point and complete solutions for lines for the production of copper pentahydrate of a given degree of purity based on systems of special crystallizers and subsequent drying of the finished product in fluidized bed dryers with a temperature control system to preserve bound crystalline moisture.


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